24 April 2010

My name is Alfie (Part 2)

When I was a boy at St. Alban's Secondary School,

the school took us on this cultural trip

to observe art at one of the...

One of those big famous London museums.

Anyway, when I was there,

I came across this statue of a Greek goddess in marble.

Aphrodi... Aphrodite, something like that.

Beautiful, she was.

Perfect female form.

Chiselled features.


I stood in awe of her.

Finally, the teacher calls us all over, and I'm walking past it,

on the way I notice, in the side of this Greek goddess,

all these cracks, chips, imperfections.

Ruined her for me.

Well, that's Nikki.

A beautiful sculpture...


...in a way you don't notice till you get too close.


  1. mmm Nikki tenía remedio. Toda escultura puede ser resanada, pulida, reparada. Algunas toman mucho tiempo, claro está. No estaba con la persona adecuada para ello. Se requiere mucha disposición y paciencia.

    Me encantó la movie, buena recomendación!

  2. Por otra parte... a veces esas peqeñas imperfecciones y grietas, cuentan historias que vuelven a la escultura más interesante. Le agregan carácter y le agregan mística. La hacen única. No?
